Colin – Testimonial

I have felt the coaching has particularly helped me overcome a daily feeling of anxiety with regard to the direction my life is headed. It has also helped me to stop being so self critical – to focus on positives and not so much on negatives.

All in all I feel the biggest thing I have gained from coaching is that I now feel worthy – something I haven’t felt in many years


Johnny – Testimonial

My name is Johnny and I’m 47. I had surgery in my T1 in 2015, where I ran in to hospital and had my operation 3 hours later. I knew going for the surgery that the outcome could have been a lot worse.

When I came out of hospital after 22 weeks there was so much going on in my head. I was Angry, Anxious, Afraid but above all of these, I felt Alone even with all my family and friends.

Then I was introduced to Dessie first I thought this is going to be a load of rubbish – I’m a grown man – I don’t need any help – I will just have to get over it. All I needed to do was ring someone and things would be done, but things were moving so slow and I was getting more frustrated. It was like fighting a losing battle.

Then, the coaching began. It was time to find my space. It was very strange trying to learn to relax with a person you just met, it’s not very relaxing, but after 2 or 3 sessions a trust had built up. I was surprised that with a few relaxation techniques, I was starting to find a little calm. Calming down helped me see things a little more clearly. Seeing things more clearly helped me find answers. Answer helped me to relax. Everything has knock on effect and all these small steps help me find my space. I still get Angry, Anxious , Afraid but I don’t feel so Alone anymore.

I will always be ever so thankful for having Dessie as a Mind Health Coach.
